How To Fix Technical Difficulties in Generals Zero Hour


Here is very small patch for your game to fix Technical Difficulties issue when you start the game.

This issue is 99% of times because of the game resolution that is not correctly setup by the game itself.

Then, here is my pack to correct technical difficulties issue if it happens.

In the case you have TD problem, go to "My Documents" / "Command & Conquer Generals Data" and past one the "Options.ini" gave in the pack (generally begging by the "Crash DirectX 8.1" one)


Minecraft Dungeons PC Full Game


Minecraft Dungeons Ultimate Edition (2020), 1.91GB

CATEGORY: Featured / Action
RELEASE DATE: 26 May 2020
GAME GENRE: Action, fantasy, hack'and'slash, Isometric view, RPG elements, for 2 people, cross-platform, co-op, action adventure, action RPG, splitscreen, Xbox Game Pass
DEVELOPER: Mojang Studios, Publisher: Xbox Game Studios / Microsoft Studios


Minecraft: Dungeons to przygodowa gra akcji będąca spin-offem bestsellerowego Minecrafta. Tytuł został opracowany przez studio Mojang. Podobnie jak ma to miejsce w przypadku Minecrafta, oprawa graficzna gry Minecraft: Dungeons została oparta na wokselach.

Minecraft: Dungeons przenosi nas do klasycznego świata fantasy. Kiedy na celowniku złoczyńcy znanego jako Arcyzłosadnik i jego armii potworów znalazła się wioska głównych bohaterów opowiedzianej tu historii, tym ostatnim nie pozostało nic innego, jak spróbować pokrzyżować plany swojemu arcywrogowi i rozpocząć pełną niebezpieczeństw przeprawę.

Zabawę w grze Minecraft: Dungeons rozpoczynamy od wyboru jednej z kilkunastu postaci. Jako że bohaterowie nie różnią się między sobą statystykami ani umiejętnościami, do indywidualnych preferencji możemy dostosować jedynie ich wygląd.

Podczas rozgrywki akcję obserwujemy z lotu ptaka, a zajmujemy się przemierzaniem pełnych niebezpieczeństw i generowanych proceduralnie lokacji (pokroju lochów, bagien i kanionów), unikaniem wszechobecnych pułapek oraz walką z przeciwnikami. System walki ma zręcznościowy charakter, a na naszej drodze stają nie tylko hordy szeregowych adwersarzy, lecz także potężni bossowie.

Choć brakuje tu tradycyjnego systemu ulepszania atrybutów postaci, naszych podopiecznych rozwijamy, zdobywając coraz lepsze wyposażenie. Nowe przedmioty możemy znaleźć bądź nabyć u jednego z handlarzy, którzy chętnie się nimi dzielą… w zamian za drogocenne Szmaragdy pełniące tu rolę waluty. Oprócz elementów pancerza i broni (zarówno dystansowej, jak i służącej do walki w zwarciu) do naszego ekwipunku trafiają rozmaite ulepszenia zwiększające możliwości przedmiotów oraz potężne artefakty zapewniające nam dodatkowe moce.

Cross-play multiplayer
Pomimo że Minecraft: Dungeons pozwala na zabawę w pojedynkę, tytuł rozwija skrzydła podczas rozgrywki w przeznaczonym dla maksymalnie czterech osób trybie współpracy umożliwiającym wspólną rozgrywkę przez Internet lub lokalnie. Co ważne, rozgrywki mają charakter międzyplatformowy – wspólnie mogą bawić się posiadacze PC, PS4, XOne i Switcha.


Processor: Intel Core i5 2.8 GHz
Graphics: 2 GB GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7870
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Disk space: 6 GB HDD
Operating System: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit


1. Extract the Files

2. Extract the Files again

3. Run Setup

4. Install necessary apps in the last part of installation.

5. Done & Enjoy!

Minecraft Dungeons Download for Free

Updated to version (14.12.2021).

Included DLC: Cloudy Climb, Hero, Echoing Void, Hidden Depths, Flames of the Nether, Jungle Awakens, Creeping Winter, Howling Peaks.


Other Apps Needed

Nahihirapan ka ba sa installation, pwede kita iassist thru remote support. 
Mag-install ka lang ng Anydesk sa PC mo Gcash donation lang po any amount will be much appreciated.
Gcash 0976-0484466 

Thank you and God Bless!


Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom PC Full Game


Attack on Titan / A.O.T. Wings of Freedom (2016), 9.88GB

RELEASE DATE: 26 August 2016
GAME GENRE: Action, TPP, fantasy, science fiction, hack'and'slash, manga and anime, multiplayer, co-op, slasher
DEVELOPER: Omega Force Publisher: Koei Tecmo


Rule the Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom
Do you love to play the games which are based on the action and adventure then you can try this one? It is the game in which your character looks like Spiderman. This is the story based game and at starting, you have to make a talk with various characters. When you are talking with those characters, you can start the game and know what to do.

In the game, you have to kill the Enemies and do various other things. You have to say the words in your hand and the power of flying. You can perform the big jumps in came and do various movements. In the game, you can get new things when you are clearing the stages. Therefore, it is advisable to play the game with the help of strategy and you can complete it easily.

As you know, there are various things already available in the long came and you have to perform various movements in this Japanese game. This is the game which is based on the Anime series. There are 10 characters involved in the game. But the character comes in the game looks like a Spider-Man and you have to attack the Titan. When you are attacking the title then you can save yourself and other characters.

As you can watch out common there is a number of things available in the game and you can get a lot of inventories. There are various Majestic powers your character has and you have the ability to perform it on the big Monsters. The big of Monsters in the game look so vulnerable and you have to kill them with those words. In the game, you can perform magical powers and killed those big animals. Before you start the game, you have to build a strategy which helps you to kill those Enemies and Rakshas.

This is the game which is based on the story and in this Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom free there are various visual Matches and anime series featured to fight with multiple enemies. This game has 3D gears and you can use that gear to visit on the various areas. Overall saying, the game comes with a lot of features and has to various mysterious things which you can unlock when you are playing the game.  In this game, you can feel like a Spider-Man and perform various other combo attacks.

Therefore, you have to play the Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom free PC with the best Strategies and applying the best strategy which helps you to make the winning. In the game, when you are clearing the stages then you can earn a lot of points. The points can help you to unlock new things and you can upgrade your weapons. Even you can upgrade yourself and boost your abilities. When you are boosting your abilities then you can give the big damage to enemies.  Everything you can be achieved in the game when you once understand all the controls of it. So, you can download the game easily without paying any money.


Processor: Intel Core i7 870 2.93 GHz
Graphics: 1 GB GeForce GTS 450
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Disk space: 8 GB HDD
Operating System: Windows 7/8.1/10

Processor: Intel Core i7-2600 3.4 GHz
Graphics: 2 GB GeForce GTX 760
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Disk space: 8 GB HDD
Operating System: Windows 7/8.1/10


1. Extract the Files

2. Extract the Files again

3. Run Setup

4. Install necessary apps in the last part of installation.

5. Done & Enjoy!

Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom Download for Free

Google Drive

Included DLC: Mikasa Costume - Summer Festival, Clean-up Eren & Levi Costume.


Other Apps Needed

Nahihirapan ka ba sa installation, pwede kita iassist thru remote support. 
Mag-install ka lang ng Anydesk sa PC mo Gcash donation lang po any amount will be much appreciated.
Gcash 0976-0484466 

Thank you and God Bless!


How to Fix 0xc000007b Error in Windows 10/8.1/8/7


AIO Runtimes Package is Required to Fix some of the major errors (eg: 0xc00007b) in windows. The aio pack contains all the necessary drivers and softwares. 

The Package Contains the following Applications:

  • .NET Framework
  • Allgemeine Runtime Detection
  • Microsoft DirectX 9.0: Redistributable
  • Java Runtime Environment
  • Visual C++ Runtimes
  • Adobe Flash Player
  • Adobe Shockwave Player
  • Microsoft Silverlight
  • Microsoft DirectX for Managed Codes
  • Microsoft Visual J Sharp


Nahihirapan ka ba sa installation, pwede kita iassist thru remote support. 
Mag-install ka lang ng Anydesk sa PC mo Gcash donation lang po any amount will be much appreciated.
Gcash 0976-0484466 

Thank you and God Bless!